Middle East & Africa Yoga Accessories Market To Grow To USD 1630 Million: Actual Market Research
Aug, 07

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Middle East & Africa Yoga Accessories Market To Grow To USD 1630 Million: Actual Market Research



For decades, even talking about yoga was not acceptable in the region, majorly in the Middle Eastern countries. These countries are mainly conservative with their Islamic practices & beliefs, while yoga is primarily associated with Hinduism. For years, yoga was challenged to be incompatible with the Islamic practices by the extremists. On the other hand, in South Africa, this practice had a humble start in the era 1940 by Swami Sivananda, the country has embraced yoga in its lifestyle in a true sense. The recent publication by Actual Market Research, named Middle East & Africa Yoga Accessories Market Outlook, 2026, studies about this aiding props market at global level, segmented into by product type, by sales channel, and by countries.

While it is widely believed that yoga is originated in Indian culture, there is also evidence that shows the practice to be having roots in Egyptian history as well. Even though the resources can’t be considered to be solid proof, they have traces to show ancient Egyptians too been ought to have practiced their own variation of this spiritual practice. With the crowing of Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, his views towards an open moderate Islam allowed the recognition of yoga as a sport amid the new liberalization that drives the religious hardliners. This acceptance is to allow the yoga accessories market to reach a value of USD 1630 Million by the end of the forecasted period, in the region. Yoga practice is seen at odds with other faiths but the recent recognition of the practice in Saudi Arabia which is considered the epicenter of the Islamic world has given new impetus to the practitioners in the religion.

Even with the acceptance of the practice, many people consider it to be deviant, sometimes associate it with witchcraft, often confronting be betraying their religious beliefs. Apart from this, the major drawback in the region is yoga being commercially promoted as a light sport for women, which makes the men shy away from the same, hampering the potentially high market growth. Even though the region has a high number of women practitioners, the yoga clothing segment could not make much revenue. In 2020, the Middle East & Africa region’s yoga clothing segment accounted for USD 225 Million, of which South Africa itself accounted for USD 146.16 Million. The online sales segment in the region dominated because of the lack of availability of these products through the local vendors. The online segment accounted for more than 65% of the region’s share. Against this, the offline sales channel segment is to grow with a growth rate of 11.29%.

The market got immense growth post the UAE ministers attending the International Yoga Day celebrations in 2019 and highlighting the importance of yoga as a force promoting tolerance, acceptance, and peace, in their speech. The popularity of yoga in the region could be gauged from the fact that enthusiasts eagerly await the two yoga festivals held in Dubai every year. In South Africa, it is not only about the actual practice, however, as many schools try and influence their followers through their philosophy. Some institutions even encourage charity work as well as pilgrimages to India for personal growth. With many yoga masters accepting South Africa as their home, locals can expect their influence to rise throughout the years. South Africa is expected to be dominating the region with the highest share of over 40% by the end of the forecasted period.