Mobile e-learning will show a growth of over 14% in Asia Pacific E-Learning Market: Actual Market Research
Jul, 06

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Mobile e-learning will show a growth of over 14% in Asia Pacific E-Learning Market: Actual Market Research



The major economies in the region, such as Japan, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand are rallying the vision of connected cities. The governments are also shaping their policies in a way that highly specialized education can be accessed from home. As a part of this, the Singaporean government's call for support for stay-at-home moms of People's Action Party Women's Wing, e-learning options are available and prevalent to enhance their skills through the SkillsFuture campaign. The research report titled Asia Pacific E-Learning Market Outlook, 2026 by Actual Market Research categorizes the market to forecast the revenues and analyze the trends in each of the following segments: based by Technology, by Provider, by Application, based on countries & major companies.

While the typical classroom set-up remains indispensable in as much as a curriculum functions as the backbone of the universities, its delivery is flexible and accessible through the Internet via mobile devices, PCs, laptops, and tablets. The platforms and channels can vary on how students and teachers interact; instructions and lessons are disseminated through a virtual environment, archived information, or a mixture of both. Mobile e-learning is anticipated to show a growth of over 14% in the coming period, which is potentially the highest among the segment. The ongoing coronavirus pandemic will boost the e-learning industry in the region. Corporate organizations are using digital training methods to train employees due to the temporary closure of businesses. 

South Korea ranks high among its counterparts for having the fastest broadband connections in the schools, along with monitoring the role of technology in education. On the other hand, the Department of Science and Technology's Information and Communications Technology Office in the Philippines announced its Free Wi-Fi Internet Access in Public Places project that will be available in public schools, parks, libraries at the end of 2015. Many educational institutes in the region had launched the roots of the initiative on free online materials to create e-textbooks as an economic alternative. For self-paced learning, there are several native web apps available across the platforms, which can be installed for free or at minimal pricing. 

Language e-learning front-liners such as Duolingo, RosettaStone, and LingQ, as well as other e-learning platforms like Linda, Udemy, Coursera, and free online preparatory tests of IELTS and TOEFL, are readily available in just a few clicks.

The consumption for the e-learning market is due to rising awareness regarding its easy availability, accessibility, and increasing importance due to rising requirements for necessary technical skills in the automation era. Even though 2020, the content provider segment accounted for the highest share of more than 95%. Education through the classroom remains indispensable, but technological resources can't be overlooked. These readily available sources can act as a supplement to the traditional methods for the new learners, students, soon-to-be professionals, employees, or entrepreneurs who strive to make a position as globalization connects to the developing and emerging countries. 

However, in developing countries, the majority of the people are unable to afford the initial costs of installations of a broadband connection and electronic gadgets while in many parts, electricity issues are still prevalent. This is restraining the growth of the region and affecting the overall growth of the industry. Apart from these, external factors such as poverty, corruption, incumbent regulations, injustices, culture and mindset, and lack of understanding of what new technologies can contribute as deterrents for emerging countries to adopt them and educating policymakers is a must to facilitate the process.