Europe E-learning Market will show a strong growth of CAGR more than 10% by 2026: Actual Market Research
Jul, 06

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Europe E-learning Market will show a strong growth of CAGR more than 10% by 2026: Actual Market Research



At the end of 2017, there were 465 Million unique mobile subscribers in Europe, equivalent to 85% of the population. The migration of the customers to 4G services is still ongoing, with 4G having now established itself as the region's leading mobile technology. However, it can be expected that the 4G adoption to peak in 2023 before declining as consumers upgrade to the next generation of wireless broadband, 5G. Robust internet infrastructure in the leading countries including Italy, France, and Germany enables a seamless e-learning experience as content is streamed with high speeds without buffering time industry. The research report titled Europe E-Learning Market Outlook, 2026 by Actual Market Research categorizes the market to forecast the revenues and analyze the trends in each of the following segments: based by Technology, by Provider, by Application, based on countries & major companies.

Even though the region contributed to a market of USD 39.26 Billion in the year 2015, e-learning is not as widely accepted as it is in say the US or Australia. It is of course a reality for many businesses and educational institutions, but there is a sense that Europeans genuinely do not like it. Culturally speaking, Europeans are notorious for preferring face-to-face methods of communication in all social activities and are used to traveling shorter distances, and this no doubt has affected how willing Europeans are to embrace e-learning technologies. This is to allow the mobile e-learning segment is to grow with an anticipated CGAR of 11.06% through the forecasted period. 

In the region, e-learning is gaining preference in the corporate sector, where a range of e-learning tools and modules, like LMS, are incorporated in employee training programs. The corporate end users have vastly different priorities when it comes to e-learning, as they must maximize immediate benefits rather than focus on long-term learning goals because of the time and money that are at stake. They tend to be pragmatic with training, emphasizing day-to-day issues, whilst educational institutions emphasize a rather abstract form of learning. This is to fuel the market growth of corporate e-learning to 9% in the coming period. The lesser acceptance of e-learning, when compared to North America, can be seen as either an inherent drawback of the European e-learning market or an opportunity. Whilst companies need to be persuaded somewhat to invest time and money in the industry and there has been a recent upswing in investment, a growing interest, and the market is wide open since Europeans to date haven't endorsed e-learning.

Several European universities have been offering blended learning experiences to students. As a result, the demand for personalized courses and content and customized learning tools is higher in the region. Also, the coronavirus disease has impacted the region and pushed companies to opt for e-learning platforms for providing corporate training. The e-learning content provider segment contributes to a market of more than 92% in the year 2020. The educational institutions have also entirely shifted from classroom lectures to virtual classrooms amid the pandemic for completing the curriculum that is accessible regardless of the time and place.

The European market will continue to increase in terms of investment and acceptance and will reach a level similar to the US at some point. As the world moves toward a global culture, e-learning will become ubiquitous. However, e-learning is a non-standardized project. Each case is different, generally needs a lot of customization together with custom content and that consumes a lot of resources from established providers. This makes them slower to adopt breakthrough strategies on new types of tools, and offers ample room for startups to fill the gap!