Mobile-learning segment will grow USD 60 Billion by 2026: Actual Market Research
Jul, 06

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Mobile-learning segment will grow USD 60 Billion by 2026: Actual Market Research



E-learning is a form of learning or training through digital resources, based on formalized education but provided through electronic devices such as a computer, mobile, and other handheld devices. Important factors for the incline in e-learning adoption rate are the penetration of internet services; development of multimedia use, affordable digital devices, and improvements in learning management solutions like a transition to the cloud has increased its functionality and reliability. The rising demand for online certification and professional courses has also added to the growth of the industry. The research report titled Global E-Learning Market Outlook, 2026 by Actual Market Research categorizes the market to forecast the revenues and analyze the trends in each of the following segments: based by Technology, by Provider, by Application, based on region, countries & major companies.

Even before the coronavirus pandemic, the eLearning industry was expanding at a steady pace. But now, the closure of most businesses and educational institutions has led to explosive growth as more and more organizations are investing in virtual learning experiences for their employees. With the increasing acceptance of this learning mode, the market is expected to grow over a CAGR of 11% in the coming years. It is believed that by 2025, almost 3/4 of the web population will access the internet solely through their smartphones. With this, the m-learning segment is expected to show a shift of USD 60 Billion from 2015 to 2026. This increased mobile usage extends to accessing training and learning content. Thus, it becomes crucial to build courses with mobile users in mind and ensure that the materials are responsive and flexible enough to allow publishing to multiple outputs. Personalized content is a trend started with millennials, but as Generation Z enters the workforce it is now seen as a need of the hour. The academic segment leads the market with a higher preference towards vocational training courses. Based on provider segmentation, the content category accounts to an approx. of 95% of the market

Much of the soft skills development that is taking place at many organizations around the world happens through learning content that is created by peers and coworkers. Soft skills like creativity, analytical reasoning, and persuasion were among the most in-demand skills that businesses were looking to cultivate in 2019. This trend has continued to grow in 2020, and it's those companies that have the ability to package and scale peer-to-peer learning of this type that'll make the biggest strides in bridging the ever-widening skills gap.

User-Generated Content is a trend that has already been implemented by many large companies. It is expected that the democratic approach to learning and sharing knowledge being used on a larger scale to deliver enhanced training. Much of this inevitable shift toward a more open working and learning environment is the direct result of technological advancements that enable easy collaboration. Improve remote learning experiences by leveraging immersive virtual training techniques rather than just addressing the mandate of remote training. Learning, as well as performance improvement rather than limiting the training budgets to only formal training. Provide nudges to create habits of learning rather than delivering training and ending it with the validation of user registrations. User experience across eLearning tools continues to undergo constant improvement, as the service suppliers provide these educational tools through the newest available technologies and users are able to benefit from a visually engaging interface and a media-driven learning experience.

Globally, North America accounts for a clear high share, closely followed by Europe. As the use of online and mobile devices becomes increasingly prevalent, the eLearning market is expected to grow over the next years. The adoption of eLearning tools by more and more both academic and non-academic sectors together with all the above-mentioned factors is expected to positively impact market size, fuel the demand for eLearning services, and drive industry growth over the coming years.