Europe Bicycle Market is expected to grow to less than 6% by 2026- Actual Market Research
Dec, 30

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Europe Bicycle Market is expected to grow to less than 6% by 2026- Actual Market Research



In Europe alone, 655,000 people are directly employed in cycling production, services, tourism, and other facets of the industry more jobs than in mining and quarrying and almost twice as many that work in the steel industry. Being a region where cyclists commute high, the Europe Bicycle Market was valued at USD 11.07 Billion in the year 2015, and is expected to grow to less than 6% by the forecasted period. The report titled "Europe Bicycle Market Outlook, 2026" published by Actual Market Research provides detailed insights with the regional analysis of prominent countries.

Denmark and the Netherlands are home to some of the most recognized bicycle communities in the world, and they are not limited to 20-something biking between classes on campus. Cycling is common across all demographics men and women, old and young who commute regularly by bike all-year round. Supporting this culture, the varied destination provide a dedicated cycle parking making it easier for the commuters. The bike lanes have a clear presence and are well maintained, and bicycle superhighways are well connect suburbs and to main city centers across the region. With the increasing equal opportunity and rewards, the women are also expected to get keen about cycling. This is to allow the manufacturers to explore this market segment, which accounted to over 25% in terms of volume in the year 2020. Cycles being popular among the kids across the world, the region experiences the least share from the segment.

According to the European Trade Union Confederation, the cycling industry is another example of the way that, with the appropriate investment, a transformation to a green, low-carbon economy can create jobs. Being home to well recognize manufacturing brands, the region's cyclists are not restricted within the age limits. In Copenhagen, where almost 45% of residents arrive at work or school via bike, as there is nothing alternative about it. Belgians are very serious about their bike. A real Belgian keeps an expensive, quality bike well maintained with functioning breaks and inflated tires and usually wears a helmet and a bright yellow vest to make him or herself visible to car. In Switzerland 5% of all trips and 10% of trips to work are made by bike. Switzerland is a cycling country. The Swiss even have “Bike to Work“campaigns when employees ride their bike to work.