Leading companies are worry over Growth dynamics in Malt health drinks market: Actual Market Research
Aug, 30

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Leading companies are worry over Growth dynamics in Malt health drinks market: Actual Market Research


"Consumer preferences for herbal products, slowing growth and on the rise competition are providing serious food for thought to multinationals in the health food drinks market."_x000D_
Two big brands in malt health drink market - Horlicks and Complan are looking to exit the category. The category itself undergoes a change, even the existing business of GSK Consumer hold value for other FMCG Players and there is a scope for operational synergies. GSK Consumer?€™s Horlicks and Boost brands have strong positioning in Indian market and command approximately more than 55% of overall value market share in Indian malted food drinks market._x000D_
According the report on ?€?India Malt Health Drink Market Overview, 2018-2023?€™ published by Actual Market Research, the India malt health drink market is projected to grow with a CAGR of more than 10% from 2017-18 to 2022-23. The Category is dominant by GSK with its brand Horlicks, Boost, Maltova and viva. This is a bit divergent from GSK Consumer Healthcare Annual report where the company claims 60 to 65% share in Health food Drinks Category in volume and value terms. _x000D_
Over the period, slow growth dynamics in malt health drink market faces challenges in term of growing competition, varied consumer preferences, HFD substitute, and distribution reach. In order to cater to the latent demand, consumer, pharma, and Ayurvedic companies have upped the ante by providing premium variants of health drinks addressing protein needs, specific age group requirements, heart and diabetic ailments. In recent times, Patanjali has entered this market as a discount player with its brand, Power Vita, though pricing discount of about 10 % doesn?€™t seem too disruptive in nature. Further, Nestle has re-entered the market with its brand, Milo and Danone and Sri Sri tattva (Ojasvita) have launched new brands. Meanwhile, Abbott has worked with the medical fraternity to generate favourable opinion for its protein rich supplement Pediasure and Ensure. _x000D_
This concern has reflected to these companies in Malt health drink market towards exit the category. Coming at a time when the broader consumer goods industry in the country has settled down after disruptions such as demonetization and a new tax regime, statements by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Kraft-Heinz, owners of Horlicks and Complan, have surprised many. _x000D_
Major Companies_x000D_
Major companies that operate into Indian Malt Health Drink market are GSK Consumer Healthcare Private Limited, Mondelez India Private Limited, Kraft Heinz India Private Limited, Abbott India Private Limited, Danone Nutricia India Private Limited, Patanjali Ayurved Limited, Medinn Belle Herbal Care Private Limited, Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Limited, MTR Foods Private Limited._x000D_
Report: India Malt Health Drinks market Overview, 2018-2023._x000D_
Base Year: 2016-17, Estimated Year: 2017-18, Forecast Year: 2022-23_x000D_
Pages: 68, Figures: 16, Tables: 28_x000D_